Referring Physicians
Referring Physicians
High Risk Obstetrical Referrals
Dr. Waterman is currently accepting High Risk Obstetrical Referrals.
If your patient is classified as low risk, unfortunately our practice will be unable to see her at this time. Referring doctors please fax new referrals to (604) 528-9032. You will receive a fax confirmation of elective referral receipt within 2-3 business days.
Gynecology Referrals
How do I refer a patient to Dr. Waterman’s practice?
Referring doctors please fax new referrals to (604) 528-9032. You will receive a fax confirmation of elective referral receipt within 2-3 business days.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office directly at (604) 528-9042.